The Wheel Of Life
The Wheel of Life can help you by helping you to consider each area of your life in turn and assess what’s off balance. As such, it helps you to identify areas that need more attention.
Client Goal Statement
This client goals statement is there to specifically define what is going on in your life or work right now and how you would like it to be. This will help you come up with ideas to start working on.
Personal Development Feedback
A document containing five questions that you can hand to your friends and colleagues so that they can provide honest and respectful feedback for your personal development.
Thank you to all DISC Types
The DISC model can help you understand yourself and others by describing four main, or primary, behavioral styles. However, each individual person can, and likely will, display some of all four behavioral styles depending on the situation.
Coaching Overview
This document is intended to give an overview of personal coaching, what it is, how it works and its potential benefits. It describes what you can expect from your coach, and what your coach will expect from you. I hope that it will also encourage you to think about how coaching might benefit you in different areas.
Leaders Coaching Masterclass
A leaflet outlining the upcoming training course taking place on 16th January 2018.
The session will give some of the key skills of coaching as well as creating space for you to practice with other leaders and get evaluative feedback – so come prepared to get involved! The best way to be a better coach is to coach and to be coached!