What makes Luminosa the coaching company of choice?

The heart of Luminosa is professional development for school leaders to enable personal effectiveness.  Through coaching, Luminosa will deliver bespoke support to ensure illuminating leadership performance.

Currently, we work with over 50 school leaders. We have worked successfully with two private sector companies on developing their brand identity and their leadership effectiveness.

 Development support

Facilitation of leadership workshops

Research-based team development and team coaching seminars

Middle leaders’ preparation for Ofsted inspection (individual and team)


Executive coaching and mentoring to the Headteacher for the duration of an academic year

Provision of coaching support to new school leaders leading to personal as well as professional development for each individual

Coaching support for school leadership teams leading to secure team development and strategic focus on school improvement priorities

Performance coaching as CPD for any member of a school leadership team

‘Strength finding’ through psychometric assessment – Luminosa Coaching is accredited to deliver DISC® profile assessments for teams and individuals

Coaching for school leaders

Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs with Luminosa Coaching

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