Reflections of a retired Headteacher – 3 months in…

Leaving Headship after two decades was an emotional time. Alongside the sadness and thoughts of change sat immense pride.  Pride is not something that we do well as Headteachers, it is often the case that we more easily praise others in our team and celebrate their achievements while overlooking or sometimes belittling our own.  But […]

Creating A Culture in a school

Having worked with a personal coach for three years and, as a result experiencing greater successes and fulfilment in the Leadership of my school, I asked myself the question – ‘Could coaching help school leaders (or leadership teams) secure achievement with school improvement priorities?

Do you know what makes you happy at work?

When leaders try to figure out how and what will make their employees happy, they can sometimes miss the mark because they think that office perks such as ping-pong tables and team yoga classes or even tasty biscuits at meetings are what’s needed. While those things do make a fun work environment and may support well-being, they don’t necessarily make employees happier at work.

Why should you work with me as your coach?

In the last six months, as a direct result of working with me… TWO people have started their own businesses (and are living their dreams) ONE person gained the confidence to diversify and build a new arm to their business ONE person gained enough confidence to apply for a promotion against stiff competition and got […]

How Different Personalities Deal With Conflict?

The more I work with DISC, the more I love it….. and when you consider I’ve been working with it since 1992 you have to realise, there’s a whole lotta love! I’ve seen first-hand how the different DISC types deal with everyday situations and it’s useful to acquire this knowledge before you get into interactions […]

Another busy week ahead as a Head…

Sometimes you start the week with such a full diary – multiple appointments on every day not forgetting the inevitable ‘walk-ins’ that are a part of a Headteacher’s day. Monday morning brings a certain level of heart fluttering, low level anxiety trying to work out how you will get through the week and do all […]

How To Create An Environment For Success?

Do you ever feel that you are not fulfilling your true potential? Are there things about your lifestyle, choices or experience that may be holding you back? Our environment is made up of surroundings and influences that are familiar to us. It is the place where we can be ourselves without really trying. It is […]

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